dijous, 21 d’agost del 2008

Bob Marley // Russian Red

Dos temes molt diferents. 'Caution' de Bob Marley ha estat tronant en el meu mp3 els darrers mesos. Temazo inoblidable. I Russian Red.


[Here I am, walking down the
street (walk walk walk walk
walk walk walk)
and the children; everything is so sweet
(woah woah woah sweet 2x)
I´m doing my thing and I´m doing it slow
but there is just one thing I
would like you to know, oo
When it's wet and slippery yea
When it's damp and crumbly
it is likely you will tumble down,
Don´t want you on the ground
Oh oh oh Caution, the road is wet
Black soul is black as jet
Do you hear me
Caution the road is hot
You got to do better than that
´cause ah
When it's wet and slippery (when
it wet it slippery yea)
When the ground be crumbling
it is likely you were tumbling down
don´t wash it underground brother
Hit me from the top
you crazy motherfunky (3x)
When it's wet and slippery yea
When it's damp and crumbly
if it's likely you were tumbling down
Don´t watch it on the ground



2 comentaris:

aurora ha dit...

No sé per què, però Russian Red no et pega molt... mai vaig pensar que et podrien agradar, de fet, crec que el que t'agrada és la tipeta, no? Jajaja, broma.

aurora ha dit...

Val, no em contestes... He trobat la clau entrant al blog de Beta...